Not only can thumb sucking and pacifiers [dummies] change the shape of the mouth, but one of the most common problems in the growing child’s mouth is the tongue thrust swallow. Very few people are aware that a tongue thrust swallow can be very damaging to the developing teeth, jaws, and airway. Commonly, this type of swallow is present following thumb sucking or pacifier use, or perhaps a ‘tongue tie’ condition, and, if not corrected, will contribute to crowded teeth, narrow jaws, and a compromised airway.
A restricted airway leads to children breathing through their mouths. With mouth breathing, the tongue is pressed low in the mouth and the result is an underdeveloped and narrow jaw. This leads to crowded teeth, bite issues, and health effects. If you read the book ‘Breath’ by James Nestor, you will get an in-depth personal account of the impact on lifelong health from this type of problem.